Sept 2, 2005 - Friday
Rockford, IL to Trempeleau, WI

Power box / battery eliminators.
Circuit boards reduce the 12V DC to various voltages (4.5, 7.5, 9, 9) for the cameras.

Ready to start out!
Everything is so nice and clean - in 20 days this will drastically change.

I'm on the road.  Heading north on the bluffs N/E of Savanna IL

And it didn't take long to come across a gravel road...

First shot of the Mississippi - East Dubuque, IL

The Potosi Brewery, Potosi WI
The remodeling is coming along - it's looking much better

A couple (scoop of the left unit could be three) nicely painted Farmall's

North of Prarie Du Chein, WI

La Crosse, WI

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