Saturday, April 20, 2019
Miller Rock

Phillip, who moved to Texas a year or so ago, is in town visiting and wishing to get out to the mountain trails. Matt recommended a favorite trail of his - Miller Rock. It offers some reasonable challenge in spots along with good Colorado scenery. Weather was generally quite enjoyable with "almost top down" temps. Mixed cloud cover for much of the day which provided some nice pictures.

Overall for the day
108 Miles
9:40 am Start
9:01 pm End

Trailhead to Trailhead
8.4 Miles
12:10 pm Start
 4:42 pm End

Coming over the hill north of Longmont, Pike's Peak, 94 miles to the south, was fairly clear.

On the trail - scant snow remaining.

Phllip working over to Miller Rock.

(click for a larger size)

Phillip (far left) and Matt at the base of Miller Rock

There was a bit of a ledge at either side of the creek. The creek wasn't overly high.

(click for a larger size)

Up at the first abandoned home

Visiting one of the other trails - a second home with the chimney standing

Back at the obstacle - Phillip making the trek up.

Heading out.